Edged Books

Flesh is Fallible

Flesh is Fallible. Grave mistakes were made.


The Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language (Jul 2023 - Apr 2024)

In the summer of 1835, Joseph Smith purchased a set of scrolls of papyri from a traveling mummy salesman. From these papyri scrolls, Smith would gain inspiration of a purported divine nature to document and decipher the Egyptian language over a half-year. With assistance from his scribes, Smith and company transcribed characters and ascribed meaning to a portion of them in a series of documents without aid from the Rosetta Stone findings. From their findings, Smith's scribes compiled their ultimate document: The Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language (GAEL). Now in the summer of 2023, you too can experience the Egyptian language the way Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, William W. Phelps, and Warren Parrish saw it in this revival.
Warning: The material published in this publication does not accurately represent the Egyptian language and should NOT be used for translation purposes.
Archivist's Note: The material published in this document was created with 200+ scanned assets of overly-high resolution by the author. This makes this document render poorly on most machines. Published by Grave Mistakes, an imprint of Edged Books.

